Thursday, October 21, 2010

Egg Project

Designing, building, and testing our egg container.

Christina and I had no idea how to design, or build our egg container. Students who have done this type of project before gave us insight, as well as input along the way. Christina figured that layering smaller containers inside of bigger containers to protect the egg more. In the end we only used two containers, rather than three or more.
We began by cutting a water jug in half, using the bottom half as our base. Then we placed cotton balls on the bottom and layered it with a piece of cardboard. Christina created our tiny egg container by cutting two water bottles in have, and then layer them inside one another with the egg. The egg container was taped shut so that it would hold together. In the mean time, I used tissue paper, more cotton balls, and paper towel to create more padding so that the egg container would be nestled inside of the jug and padding.
Then we had the wonderful idea to create a parachute. We poked two holes into the jug, and double bagged two plastic bags (placing one inside of the other) taping the handles together. We had no way of connecting the bag to the jug until we thought of using hair ties. We attached the bag to the jug, but Christina pointed out that the parachute covered to much of the jug. I picked up a garbage from my room, which we ended up using as our parachute. The corners of the garbage bag were taped and then whole punched. Taping the corners with masking tape prevented the bag from ripping. We connected the hair ties with a rolled up piece of tape at each end. The tape was tied to the bag and then to the jug in four locations.
We tested the container about five times without the egg in it. After several trail runs, we were happy with the results and concluded by placing the egg into our padded container and taping a final piece of cardboard over the top of it.
Testing the egg during class was really successful. The parachute worked great! The container landed nicely the first and second time it was dropped. I was a little nervous about our parachute, at first, because it was a little windy outside.

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