Thursday, November 11, 2010

Biggest Mistakes in Web Design

1. Flanders' most important points are drawn from the concept that everything on a website (including its design) should be user oriented. He goes on to write "it's about solving your customers' problems." This agrees with Norman's and Negroponte's user-focused design ideas. A web design is the layout of a web-page, which should consist of readable text and contrast. A website should be easy to use and simple, much like a product or retail store should be laid out so that is can be used easily, but is also visually appealing. Another concept that Flanders addresses is the idea that the number of functions should equal the number of controls. In addition, the functions of the controls should be clear, which agrees with Norman's design concepts of everyday things. 

2. Flanders' article about "web design mistakes" states that a web design should be focused, meaning the purpose of the website should be apparent to the user at all times (Flanders states it should be within four seconds). Other important points were made in regards to readability of text -- based on size and color contrast -- difficulty level of navigation should be minimized, and javascript mistakes.

3. When surfing the web, I judge a web design on a few aspects. Overall, the website should be simple to navigate and look nice, in terms of colors going together and the website not having too much information. The text should be readable, in this case the font should be large enough and there should be contrast between the font color and the background color. I also think it is a drawback if a website takes too long to load, and pop ups should be minimized.

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful points. I actually liked all the points you have mentioned. These are the most common mistakes that drive away the visitors. As a web designer I will do avoid all these things.
    website visitor recording
