Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Organization and Preparation Tips" - Garr Reynolds

1. The author makes a very important point by determining who the audience for the presentation is. Two other important points are what the point of the presentation is, and lastly, having confidence in how to get the information across.

2. I will utilize the author's tips by planning the presentation on paper, by either creating an outline or just doing general brainstorming. After this step I will begin with just giving basic information about the topic. Once I have completed this, I will return to the beginning to do a run through to determine how the information flows. If more information, or the addition of stories enhances the presentation I will add them. After the slides are prepared I will give the presentation to myself, speaking out loud. Making necessary adjustments,  I will then proceed to give the presentation to my friends for other feedback.

3. Presentation preparation is much like product design in a few ways. Simplicity is one major commonality between the two. The author states that a presentation should be simple as to not confuse the audience and to stick with what is important. This concept is also used in product design because a product should be simple so the consumer understands and is able to use the product. Another commonality is between designing a product and preparing a presentation is planning. Planning allows the end result to flow with pertinent information or function.

1. It would be super interesting to study testing design, transportation design, service design, and logo design. Each of these interest me and I would like to understand how they work.

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